17 August 2023

Massa is kassa

In the series "Familie Gillis: Massa is kassa" on SBS 6, you get an insight into who Peter Gillis is and what he does. The series now has 10 seasons to its credit.

Peter's life mottos are "mass is cash" and "he who has beds, has the future!" Peter Gillis is owner and founder of the Oostappen Groep Vakantieparken. The company has 11 vacation parks in the Netherlands and Belgium. Peter Gillis always has his heart in the right place, is also a real family man and has an outspoken opinion. During the reality series you get a picture of what it's like at the vacation parks, the life of the Gillis family and you see how the two sons Mark and Ruud and daughter Inge are at work at the vacation parks. You can see it on SBS 6!

What is featured in the reality series?

Of course, you not only get a picture of what Peter Gillis' life is like, but also what he himself does at the vacation parks. Peter Gillis remains completely himself during the reality series and says what it is all about. The Gillis family is always working very hard to give their guests an unforgettable vacation. In the series, Peter Gillis travels around the vacation parks in his camper van, always having a pleasant chat with his guests and checking with his children to see what could be improved. Also, Peter has just bought a castle and during the broadcasts you get to see how Peter is renovating the castle and how he wants it all to be. Definitely worth watching!

The ratings speak for themselves

It is not without reason that 10 seasons have already been aired. The reality series is a true blockbuster and one of the most watched programs on SBS 6. Over 800,000 viewers in one evening? They usually achieve that easily! The million mark was reached a while back.